Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Mentoring Goals Setting & Analysis – (Final entry of a 3 part Series)

Within mentoring relationships, mentees learn best by applying what they are learning. With the guidance of a mentor, DKG members are supported as they practice different roles and test their skills and readiness to find solutions to different problems. In this process it is helpful to set and prioritize goals, and outline activities that are needed to achieve those goals. SMART goals are specific and accomplishable. They are:


As part of setting goals, mentees work with their mentor to assess strengths and weaknesses and prioritize action as needed. Some questions could be:

  • What makes you think there is a problem?
  • Where is it happening?
  • How is it happening?
  • When is it happening?
  • Who is it happening with?
  • Why is it happening?

And finally the strategy is created: ‘A problem is happening because. …… and what we can do is ………’

Through this analysis mentees improve confidence as they overcome challenges and obstacles. Mentors and mentees develop analytical skills, sharpen problem-solving skills, become better leaders, and contribute to the success of DKG.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Setting up a Mentoring Program – (Part 2 of a 3 part Series)

As you begin, here are some things to consider to help align the objectives of the mentee with the knowledge, experience and expertise of the mentor.

1.      Specify short term and long term objectives
2.      Clarify the preliminary developmental goals
3.      Discuss the reciprocal expectation
4.      Discuss pros and cons of a strategic plan
5.      Decide how, where and when to meet
6.      Discuss how each person likes to communicate
7.      Schedule feedback sessions
8.      Agree on the duration of the program

As in teaching, mentoring is most effective when learning is modeled or shared. It’s important that mentees feel safe and are not judged when asking questions. This encourages them to be open to receive new ideas and strategies as they learn what others are doing in the organization.

The benefits of mentoring extend beyond the mentee and the mentor. A one-on-one meeting in a confidential environment attracts, motivates and retains talent. This interaction creates opportunities to share DKG values and experience. 

Watch for our next blog: Mentoring Goal Setting & Analysis

In the comments below tell us about someone who has been a special mentor.